Tuesday, November 20, 2012


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While watching Pink's performance at the AMA's of "TRY". I had to smile and feel I could somewhat relate on so many levels.  As I haven't been abused in the last year.. nor been involved in any domestic abuse and violence in at least 3 years (joke.. and  I do take such matters very seriously.. but my cynical nature provides me a bit of a buffer to maintain a peppy spirit.) I find Pink’s lyrics, performance, abilities and talents quite amazeballs.  Though aspects of the song, and or performance could be controversial, I have to say that the overall message to continue to get up and "TRY" is something I can relate to, and maybe everyone could be encouraged or reminded to do the same.

This is epic and necessary as an artist... especially with screen printing.  From the journey of concept, to drawing and composition, to Photoshop, to being reliant on a printer (which may or may not be problematic) to exposing a transparency, to proper exposure time, to pressure of water while hosing out, to applying paint with varying weather conditions, to hand registering (which is how I do my work) differently each and every time, so many things can go wrong.  This rings very true on many of my pieces, but especially my "Family Crest" of the Campbell's soup can.  While doing this print, my transparency literally got eaten by the printer... and I had to dig it out after search and rescue to even at least fix the printer.  I took this mess, slop, and did my best to flatten it out, and found that I saw a lot of parallels of the image to myself and who I felt I was that day.  The image and what had happened to my work was what happened, and as a person, I found it unique and wanted to keep going, use it, and just "TRY". 

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