Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Torn Screen

Every day is a new adventure when it comes to my world, but when its a really good day, it’s good to try and remember when those happen.

While sitting around with my girlfriends on an LA Saturday evening, we gabbed about boys, art, fashion, celebrities, violence, social media and basically were plotting on how to improve the cosmos. To turn goodness into oxygen for all to breathe. We realized that part of making that happen is to let go of the scars we tend to allow to define us. So often, we get a slice that is personal and for some reason allow that to resonate louder and take up more space than that “one special day”. I tend to think about that a lot, when I paint and create, because I think if I can express and encourage that, and set an example it will not only help me smile more, but encourage everyone to allow and explode a lasting grin. So as I closed my eyes that evening I thought it would be a good idea to do my best to remember those fabulous days when they happen, and savor their every second and take inventory and mix them into the colors that I use in my art and my world.

The very next morning I would get an opportunity to start this exercise.

You would think that something as simple as picking up some repaired silk screens wouldn’t end up being and event and a holiday all on its own, but that is exactly what it turned out to be.

I picked up my screens and the imagery that had been burned into the fabrics that told a story were gone, yet the frames still had their marks to remind me of their journey. Next I would make a stop off to another destination where I would end up meeting an absolute adorable doll baby by the name of Nicole Marie would forever change my view on being Monica Warhol.
While working on a bigger than life project I stopped into meet up with Mario at Ryonet Silk Screen Supplies LA, and was treated to the most pleasurable time. While asking a plethora of questions and getting supplies, Mario, not only took great time, but also took critical care answering my questions, as well as delivering unpleasant news to different aspects of silk screening that I was pretty sure of already as a diagnosis with nothing but kindness and personality. At the end Mario whispered a bit and asked me if I wouldn’t mind having a picture with Nicole Marie who had been a nervous wreck when finding out I would be coming by. Of course I was absolutely complimented and couldn’t wait to hear all about her.. as I live in me all the time. After a few clicks we started talking and the world disappeared.

Nicole told me how she just recently finished up at UCLA where she wrote her dissertation on the fathers of pop art. We started gabbing all about art and quickly I started looking and asking her if she had felt there was a void in pop art and silk screening, and she came to life. Being drop dead gorgeous seemed to be her brand of choice, we dove into conceptual conversation, trying to cover and capture the rainbow of art and expression. We talked about life and love, graffiti and street art, young and old and came full circle to a place where we felt we fit and were so very pleased to have met.

I walked off feeling like it was one big party booming inside of my body. I remembered how I wanted to try and hold onto these moments so as to shine brighter than anything else as they are worth so much more. Not to mention I was invited to an amazeballs party there with what turns out to be a great event that is going to have a food truck. Food Trucks seem to be the tickle me elmos of Los Angeles... and I guess this one was meant for me as it is the one and only Steel City Food Truck founded by my friends from Pittsburgh PA. These are the moments I want to occupy my resonance that I might have the chance to share such beauty with others, not only the brilliance of Nicole, but the brilliance she created for me. You can’t sit pretty in this life unless you have the chance to sit ugly long enough. That is why pretty pictures can tell one hell of a story and give you a lasting satisfaction that is worth holding a mirror up to to reflect out for all to see, while at the same time maybe letting that smile last just a little bit longer.

We are all truly lucky to enjoy the big of it all


1 comment:

  1. You visited a great place. Though the town is small Ryonet is booming with creative energy!
