Just a titch of dirty dancing. Somehow, somewhere, in the big of everywhere, a lovely artist by the name of Karen Bystedt, reached out to me. It was beyond fascinating as well as intelligent and comforting. She had lost some photos of a defining time in her life, in New York city, where she had the opportunity to convince, and photograph Andy Warhol for a modeling shoot she was working on. She lost those photos, and later found them. It had been like 30 years or something since her initial photo shoot.
As Karen and I met we started brainstorming about ways we could collaborate with these photos, it was a beautiful conversation, and the ideas were flowing. She has had a successful career of photographing amazing people before becoming famous. I am blessed to have a copy of her book , “They Dared to Dream” showcasing these amazing actors and their words, prior to their successful careers.
Karen had this beautiful picture of a young Patrick Swayze, she offered to give me a high res file of the image, to see what I would do with it. I accepted the offer, and produced a few different versions of Patrick to show her what I was seeing, as the first step in our collaboration together. Ironically I had been obsessing over daisies dancing, while in Idaho. Perplexed, Daisies and Swayze’s, seemed to belong together.
Enjoy the Big of it ALL!